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(ARCHIVE) Vol. XX No. 15, November 16-30, 2010
By Ranjitha Ashok

Tight wrap

"Oops, catch the cover!"

Have you noticed?

There’s been a positive deluge of new books recently.

That’s great.

But new books mean book launches, and it’s here that things can get a little sticky…literally.

If you, while waiting for a book launch to … er…launch, should notice a particularly pale, nervous visage, don’t be misled into thinking it’s the author.

It’s probably the Chief Guest, hoping and praying the book unwrapping goes off easily.

For some reason, the wrap-brigade goes a little berserk at such times. First, they wrap the book so tight, you need industrial-size tools to ‘free’ the book – ironic, since the author is hoping that his little offering will take flight and woo the world.

Then, they put sticky tape in the oddest places, and follow up with decorative ribbons tied in such intricate knots, they could give a sailor hysterics.

So the Chief Guest, usually a venerable, pillar-of-society (what’s the point otherwise?), struggles with tape that clings lovingly to his fingers, ribbons that threaten to cut off circulation, and wrapping paper that crackles embarrassingly loud …all the while being watched by a bunch of bug-eyed book-lovers.

So wrappers, pity this poor soul – and since we’re being all bookish here, think Thoreau, and… that’s right... simplify.


In this issue

The Three Woes of
the City's heritage
The Most Vulnerable Road-user
The accounts chief –
& the maths genius
The Lilliputians in Madras
At last, a unified transport authority
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