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(ARCHIVE) Vol. XX No. 19, January 16-31, 2011
By Ranjitha Ashok

Happy deleting, instead?

Well, we’re two weeks into the New Year, and guess who’s been doing brisk business?

“Just one second honey, let me wish all 420 contacts on my mobile phone a Very Happy New Year, then I will wish you!”

The guys in the achy-breaky business.

That’s right – the ones with careers involving frozen joints, askew bones, sore eyes and such-like maladies.

You know why?

Because of the trillion-bazillion messages that swarmed into EVERY INBOX of EVERY CELL PHONE over New Year.

Weapons of mass bombardment.

The New Year began with you in a manic erase mode, resulting in sore fingers, eye strain, and nightmares of being chased by a giant ‘delete’ button.

Of course, everyone wants to be remembered over New Year, considering the horrific alternative of being completely ignored, which could have the worst possible effect on even the toughest, most social-battle-scarred psyche.

But there are limits...

...which get crossed when random messages from faceless sources you’ve never met pop up, breathlessly wishing you;

Or knowing you’ve been ‘mass thought’ when messages don’t name you.

As for those pseudo-profound ones ... “Every grain of sand that passes through the hour-glass contains a dream, so celebrate life...” ...who writes this stuff?

Then there’s the competition.

“I got 1000 sms-es”

“I got 1500 – Ha!”


Maybe it’s time to go retro – and actually call one another.

Much nicer?


In this issue

Scant attention paid to heritage by Metro
Traditional markets making way for malls
AFS helped to protect wartime Madras
The decisive third battle
Breathing the air of Broadway
Other stories

Our Regulars

Short 'N' Snappy
Our Readers Write
Dates for your diary


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