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(ARCHIVE) Vol. XXI No. 8, August 1-15, 2011
By Ranjitha Ashok

When the 'Twain Go Trysting ...

"I have no clue what I'm supposed to do, but let me at least try to look as tough and busy as him!"

Big-Shot visitors from Bigger-Shot nations choosing to put Chennai on their must-visit list.


That sense of playing in the Big League – So gratifying!

Even better – the delightful little through-the-looking-glass moments that spring up at such meetings when worlds collide.

Like – on one hand, hard-jawed, tough-looking guys in black, with spiral wires dangling from their ears, obsidian glasses darting laser-like all over.

On the other, our own ‘tough guys’, equally keen...okay, not all of them sport the lean-mean-machine look. And yes, they sometimes get distracted by dignitaries...but hey, we don’t need no lessons from nobody.

But what’s with some of those men-in-black and that perennial hand-tucked-in-coat gesture?

Napoleon complex?

Little worrying – this hint of constant edginess.

Our audiences are noisy; cell phones blare; sometimes, banners come unpinned and waft to the ground ... and the ubiquitous mike checker will go: ‘ullo-‘ullo-‘ullo-(Squeeekkk)-miketestingmiketesting...uh-wontwothree...(Screeech)...

The last thing you want is some clueless, jumpy ‘Them’ going all Gunfight at O.K. Corral.

They need lessons.

Like: On the sub-continent, always expect the unexpected... and make ‘simply adjust’ your motto.

Know something?

The Man was wrong – the ‘Twain do meet these days.

And perhaps the world’s a better place for it.


In this issue

What is happening at the Adyar Poonga?
Is the beat constable feasible any longer?
The missing Madras bulwark
The subjugation of Kaliya
Bharata Natyam
Other stories

Our Regulars

Short 'N' Snappy
Our Readers Write
Quizzin' with Ram'nan
Dates for your diary

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