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Vol. XXXII No. 22, March 1-15, 2023

Regular Articles

Heritage Watch: The Petrus Uscan Plaque

It was in February 2018 that we last wrote about this historic plaque. For those not in the know, it records in three languages the munificence of the Armenian merchant Coja Petrus Uscan, who in 1728 funded the first bridge across the Adyar. Known as the Marmalong (Mambalam) Bridge, it has since made way for […]

Our Readers Write

What connects Calicut and Mylapore? Heritage is one. I spent four days in Calicut, Kozhikode, in Kerala. And as I always do, I soaked in well and also learnt much. The idea of a literary festival on the beach partly drew me there. But I was not expecting the mela atmosphere that this annual event […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

– (Wo)MMM

The fading joy of giving directions The Woman from Madras Musings has a theory that people actually love being asked for directions. Not only does it afford the opportunity to be helpful, but it also allows them to show off how well they know the city and locality in question. What other explanation can there […]

An unwelcome buzz: Abnormal mosquito menace troubles Chennai

-- by A Special Correspondent

It is usually the rainy seasons that bring forth mosquitoes, but Chennai is troubled by an unusual infestation that shows no signs of waning, even months later in February. Areas adjoining water bodies tend to be affected the most, but the current scenario seems to buck this trend, too – no place it seems, public […]

Our Readers Write

Besant Nagar woes Garbage dumping It is gratifying to learn from media reports that Greater Chennai Corporation has launched six drones and 200 pesticide sprayers for strengthening mosquito control operation in Chennai city. It is said that the sprayers will be used for control of mosquito larvae and 3,312 workers are involved in mosquito control […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy


MMM & the right to Information Damsels in distress over pending PhD theses, RJs and DJs needing content, Government officials needing presentations to entertain visitors at short notice – they all beat a path to the door of the Man from Madras Musings these days. MMM like Sherlock Holmes ought to be demanding a bejewelled […]

Chennai’s losing battle against posters

-- by The Editor

A recent news item has it that the Chennai Corporation has decided to take steps to counter the poster menace, one that our city has been fighting probably from the time when print became a possibility. The latest in the various rather ineffective measures our city fathers (and mothers) have decided upon is to levy […]

A Welcome Initiative: Turtle Conservation and Rehabilitation Centre to come up at Guindy

-- by A Special Correspondent

Tamil Nadu is blessed with a lovely, long coastline that is frequented by five species of marine turtles – Green, Leatherback, Loggerhead, Olive Ridley and Hawkbill turtles. Of these, the critically endangered Olive Ridley nests along the Coromandel Coast, which forms a part of the migratory corridor en route to the mass nesting beaches in […]

Heritage Watch: Better days for Brodie’s Castle?

A recent report has it that the State Government has sanctioned Rs. 2 crores for the restoration of historic Brodie Castle, located on the banks of the Adyar. Now known as Thenral and the home of the Arasu Isai Kalloori, once the Central College of Karnatic Music, it has been crying out for such an […]

Our Readers Write

More on Vellala Street, Purasawalkam The letter of Sri Ramamurthy Ravichandran (MM, November 16th, 2022) reminded me that the Vellala Street in Purasawalkam is another equally landmark street of ­Madras, although Kalki Ra. Krishnamurthy did not reside here. The door numbers (whatever I can remember) may have changed presently. Forgive me for such omissions. The […]

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