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Vol. XXXII No. 16, December 1-15, 2022

Regular Articles

Our Readers Write

Vincent’s Jottings Watching shoppers is an education in itself – it is food for writing. And so my favourite part about the Smart City-ed parts of Pondy Bazaar is the provision of street furniture. The sidewalks in Pondy Bazaar are so wide that one gets a decent mid-range and long-range view of the environs – […]

Tempting School Children with drugs – the new menace

-- by The Editor

Chennai needs to wake up from its complacence. A neighbourhood paper recently published an article about how school children in its area were systematically being targeted by drug peddlers. The veracity of the article notwithstanding, for it seemed to have plenty of political colour to it, led to comments in social media from people in […]

Funding accelerated for government schools even as TN slips a rung in the PGI Index

-- by A Special Correspondent

Explaining that as many as 15 lakh students had enrolled in government schools over the last two years, Chief Minister Stalin announced in October a sizeable allocation of funds towards the development of government school infrastructure. New schools are to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 1,050 crores, 800 of which is earmarked towards […]

Heritage Watch

Railway HQ Turns a 100 It is not often that we get to know of the exact date of inauguration of a historic building. That is because foundation and inauguration stones have a tendency to vanish and as for records, if they survive, they are never made available for research. Much of heritage gets by […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- (Wo)MMM

The family next door The Woman from Madras Musings is not sure if this is a Madras thing, to be honest. To be sure, she’s never experienced it anywhere but here – the easy familiarity that crops up amongst families living in a flat, especially when the building has been their home for decades. At […]

Our Readers Write

Dr. S. Rangachari I was delighted to read the tribute to the memory of Dr. S. Rangachari. The first S in my name refers to Sarukkai, my ancestral village. Our house was next to Dr. Rangachari’s. Some five years back, I visited the village and was horrified to see its present condition. While our house […]

How (not) to grow a city

-- by The Editor

The Chennai Metropolitan Area just shrank by around 3,000 sq km. It came down from 8,800 sq km or so to 5,900. In reality this is not a loss, as we never grew to that extent. We are at present around 1,189 sq km and now set to expand to 5,900 sq km. Earlier, that […]

Open stormwater drains: A public hazard

-- by A Special Correspondent

The northeast monsoon is around the corner and the city is already seeing short spells of rain in a few areas. Natural, then, that all eyes are on the ongoing stormwater drain works

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- MMM

The Pig’s Son & Other Stories You must have seen or at least heard about the film River’s Son by now. It created quite a stir even before being released and much to the distress of the naysayers did well at the box office as well. The Man from Madras Musings watched with amusement as […]

Our Readers Write

An interesting reading The most recent issue of MM offered many interesting stories to me. I felt compelled to share some of my thoughts reading them. It is kind of Shobha to remind us of O.T. Ravindran, a great plant lover of Madras. Having known him personally during my work days at Loyola College, I […]

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