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Vol. XXXII No. 9, August 16-31, 2022

Regular Articles

Our Readers Write

Obstacle race on Chennai pedestrian walkway Chennai roads particularly the walkways (so called) offer a fascinating variety of obstacles that make a stroll down the walkways truly adventurous. The small stretch of walkway between our residence on Westcott Road, Royapettah and the neighbouring Wesley High School/Meston College compound offers a delightful mix of ordinary and […]

Madras Pinjrapole

-- by Sudha Umashanker

Over 2000 cows in all – old, middle aged and young (in fact, one delivered on the day of my visit) are well cared for in this remarkable facility. Set up over a hundred years ago over a sprawling area

Mylapore Recreation Club – Winners of Palayampatti shield

-- by V. Ramnarayan

The annexation of the Palayampatti title last month by Mylapore Recreation Club ‘A’ was celebrated as a first time triumph in the TNCA First Division cricket league by a team barely five years old in the senior division. The team has been portrayed as a kind of David that defeated such Goliaths of Tamil Nadu […]

Our Readers Write

Woes faced by Chennai residents due to wrong implementation of storm water drainage project Greater Chennai Corporation is now implementing a storm water drainage project in 559 roads, covering a distance of 1,033 kilometres, costing around Rs.4,070 crores. For this massive project, which is targeted to be completed between April and September this year, huge […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- MMM

How to get a copy of MMM’s book The task dragged on for over four years but The Man from Madras Musings eventually got it done. He alludes to a book he did on the city of Madras that is Chennai. It was received well and with that MMM has moved on to other things. […]

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

– (Wo)MMM

The Woman from Madras Musings – like everyone else, she is sure – delights in sending and receiving surprise packages, so the family is quite used to the parade of couriers arriving in her name. The items are usually collected and kept aside for (Wo)MMM with nary a question. The last parcel she received, however, […]

Chennai’s trees deserve better care

-- by Shobha Menon

World-over, accepted standards directing the management of roadside greenery include guidelines around the preferred species or shapes of trees grown. These primarily refer to the design of space created and managed by humans. When it comes to an already mature ecosystem of trees or a green patch that is integral to its surrounding natural landscape, […]

Storm water drainage works gather momentum as rainy days loom ahead

-- by A Special Correspondent

The recent spate of rains left multiple localities inundated, bringing to the fore once again the subject of the city’s stormwater drainage systems. When Mayor R. Priya assumed charge earlier this year, it was reported that the Corporation’s primary focus would be the expediting of storm water drainage

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- MMM

The trees are sporting new colours In Chennai that was Madras, there are we know only three seasons – hot, hotter and hottest. Of late, The Man from Madras Musings notices that there is a deplorable tendency to celebrate the hot season as winter, with many people going around in shawls, monkey caps and earmuffs. […]

Our Readers Write

Levying of penal interest Reacting to the news report which stated that the Greater Chennai Corporation [GCC] will withdraw the rebate/incentive of five per cent, if the property tax is paid after April 15 [for the half-year period of April/September] and after October 15 [for the second half-year period of October/March], and, instead,  levy a […]

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