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Vol. XXXII No. 5, June 16-30, 2022

Regular Articles

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- (Wo)MMM

Chennai once made quite the racquet The Woman from Madras Musings fairly skipped to the living room in joy, for she was watching a very thrilling French open match with the better half. In true millennial fashion, the match was playing on OTT – a choice that turned out to be a poor one for […]

Our Readers Write

Growing beyond renaming of Roads This refers to Can we grow beyond renaming roads? (MM, May 16-31, 2022).  The penchant for renaming the roads does not seem to have diminished a wee-bit among the political parties, no matter  even if they come to power after a long hiatus, promising good governance.  As far as the […]

Heritage Watch: The Mahatma moves (temporarily) for the Metro

There are many statues to Gandhi all over the world but to the Chennai-ite there is only one – the statue that has stood at the intersection of Radhakrishnan Salai (Edward Elliots Road) and Kamaraj Salai (South Beach Road) since 1956. It has served as a meeting point, a focal point, a marker and also […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- (Wo)MMM

Get on with it MMM! The Man from Madras Musings fights shy of blowing his trumpet, but it cannot be denied that over the years he has done his fair bit of writing on the city’s history. A large portion of the credit for this must of course go to old Chief, peace be upon […]

Our Readers Write

Special Issue on N. Sankar Thanks a million for the very nice MM issue covering N. Sankar’s achievements. As a fellow alumni of AC Tech and subsequently Sr. Manager in Chemplast, I had the privilege of knowing him well. He was one of a kind. I am sad that he is no more with us. […]

Heritage Watch: Restoration of Chepauk Palace

It is certainly easy to construct a building. It is easier still to neglect it for years and then watch it go up in flames within a few hours. Restoration, however, is a painstaking effort, lasting many years. At the Chepauk Palace, work is proceeding slowly but surely. Both the wings, the Khalas and Humayun […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

– (Wo)MMM

Stories from a bus The Woman from Madras Musings was whiling away a traffic jam on the Adyar bridge when a strange, strangled sound escaped the driver. He was looking balefully at the bus in front, which appeared to be the scene of a lively squabble. The driver appeared to be deeply moved by one […]

Our Readers Write

Bidding Adieu to Sankar! The untimely demise of N. Sankar, Chairman of the Sanmar Group, is a great loss to the country. He was not just a successful industrialist but also one with a heart full of compassion. Madras Musings has also lost a well-wisher and patron in his exit. Sankar was a multifaceted person […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy


When The Man from Madras Musings met None Such The Man from Madras Musings is somewhat disoriented – he has lost a mentor, a good friend and a dispassionate critic. MMM refers to None Such (NS) who passed on recently, leaving a huge void behind. In the years following the passing of the Chief, NS […]

Heritage Watch: When a monument becomes a problem

Who would imagine that the Yale Monument, so long associated with this city would now be declared as standing in the way of development? And yet that is true. Hynmers’ Obelisk, to give its correct name dates back to the 1680s. It marks the burial spot of Joseph Hynmers, second-in-council, Fort St. George, who died […]

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