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Vol XXXI No. 19, January 16-31, 2022

Regular Articles

Heritage Watch: A Pandemic where even Open Air Fails

William Satish (are there no limits to his energy?) sends us yet another photograph, this time of the Prarthana Drive-In Theatre in Injambakkam and asks us if we know anything about the place. He also asks as to why an open-air theatre, which ought to be the best solution in these pandemic times had to […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- MMM

A Few Questions NOT to be asked of COVID Patients ‘The curse has come upon me,” cried The Man from Madras Musings as he awoke one morning last week to find his throat sore, his temperature soaring and a headache literally roaring around his brain.

Our Readers Write

Natyarangam The article on Natyarangam by Sujatha Vijayaraghavan was really fascinating. (December 1st edition). The Natyrangam was started, as highlighted by the author, to put a stop to the practice of individual performers paying a fee to the Sabhas and soon it’s objects got enlarged to provide a platform to talented young dancers and to […]

Heritage Watch: If State Bank cannot restore its building, then who will?

Reader and regular contributor Sujatha Vijayaraghavan’s article (The stained glass marvels of the State Bank of India – Madras branch) on the stained-glass panels at the SBI Main Office on First Line Beach triggers off this post. Once recognised as a significant piece of architecture that embellished our city’s skyline, this seemingly solid edifice is […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

-- MMM

Dark, Wintry days These are days when Chennai that was Madras is in the grip of a cold wave – well, the temperature is below 30 deg C and that is freezing as per our standards. The band of morning walkers that The Man from Madras Musings usually sights everyday is literally festooned in monkey […]

Our Readers Write

Professor Charles Henry Alexandrowicz Professor Charles Henry Alexandrowicz (1902-1975) was a Polish legal scholar who played a key role in the history of Madras. In 1951, the Vice-Chancellor of Madras University, Dr. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar, invited Professor Alexandrowicz to set up a new Department of International and Constitutional Law (the Department of Legal Studies). Prof. Alexandrowicz […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

– (Wo)MMM

– (Wo)MMM

Booster: A dose of cheer and hope The Woman from Madras Musings recently read an article which said that experts are recommending covid booster shots for those over forty years of age. This was in the offing, of course – speculation about booster shots was rife even when the vaccines were first rolled out. Now […]

Our Readers Write

A look at the floods Past & present Rains in Chennai Forty Five Years ago 7th November 2021. Our house in Alwarpet was surrounded by water, which threatened to enter any moment. We learnt later that in 24 hours Chennai had received 25cms of rain. My mind went back to the eventful day forty-five years […]

Quizzin’ with Ram’nan

Quizmaster V.V. Ramanan’s first 10 questions are on current affairs and the next 10 are on Asterix and his friends. 1. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit survey, which Asian city has been named the most expensive in the world to live in, beating out places like Paris and Singapore? 2. Name the Indian who […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

The New Custodians of Heritage The Man from Madras Musings believes strongly in the protection of culture and heritage. He believes that there is only so much of give and take that can exist, beyond which there is a necessity to draw the line. But in all of this he is of the view that […]

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