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Vol. XXXIV No. 2, May 1-15, 2024

Regular Articles

Finally, a (Notified) Heritage Act in place

-- by Sriram V

And so a long battle winds to a close. The Tamil Nadu Government informed the High Court of Madras that it has notified on March 1, 2024, its Heritage Commission (Amendment) Act 2017 and that the same has come into effect on that date. With that, the decks are finally cleared on having a Heritage […]

Low Voter Turnout – Is it solely due to Voter Apathy?

-- by Varsha V.

On April 5, the Election Commission (EC) convened a meeting at New Delhi with Municipal Commissioners and District Election Officers (DEOs) from select districts. Chaired by Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, the conference was aimed at augmenting voter turnout in parliamentary constituencies by increasing engagement and creating the conditions for voters to be self-motivated in […]

Heritage Watch: The Heydays of Cinema Theatres

A newspaper of 1973 was being perused in connection with some other research when the reverse revealed the city entertainment column. It is published alongside and for those who cannot read Tamil it gives the full list of functioning cinema theatres in the city and outskirts. There are 66 theatres in all and shows what […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy


Chasing apples through mazes These are exciting times, at least for those who live in the vicinity of Chennai Metrorail work. To give the authorities due credit, they have planned the activity well and kudos to our police too, for identifying streets that nobody ever knew existed before and convincing Metropolitan Transport drivers to steer […]

Our Readers Write

Post Office plays innovative role It is laudable that India Post has taken innovative efforts to ensure that people vote in the general election 2024 without fail, by printing special cancellation (postmark) on mail collected from letter-boxes. I am giving a specimen so that

Good tidings from Gokhale Hall

-- by Sriram V

The built heritage of Chennai has never had it so good. It was only a few months ago that we in Madras Musings had reported on how Bharat Insurance (Kardyl) Buildings is soon to be restored, with the Life Insurance Corporation of India, the owners of the heritage structure, moving ahead at long last with […]

Bigger not always better – Can Chennai Airport convert features into strengths?

-- by Varsha V.

JetArena – a handle on X (formerly Twitter) that covers news and insights from Indian Aviation – recently announced that FlyDubai airline will stop operations between Chennai and Dubai from mid-May, opting instead to ply flights between Kochi and Dubai. The update recalls the media coverage earlier this year which stated that the Chennai airport […]

Heritage Watch: A Brief timeline of Gokhale Hall

It was in 1914 that Annie Besant founded the Young Men’s Indian Association (YMIA). She planned a home for the association which would have hostel facilities for outstation students, a library, a gymnasium, canteen facilities and above all a central hall which would function as an oratory. Constructed by her close associate A Ranganatha Mudaliar,

Short ‘N’ Snappy

– Wo(MMM)

Man-go The Woman from Madras Musings was receiving a package when she noticed the watchman peering suspiciously at the exchange. He lost no time in shooing away the delivery personnel after the transaction and stomped up to (Wo)MMM’s house with a rather stern, determined look on his face. He remarked that the bag seemed to […]

Our Readers Write

Gokhale Hall Dear Sriram, Trust this mail finds you in the best of health and cheer. I am writing this mail in connection with the article on ­Heritage Watch in the 16-31 March 2024 edition of Madras Musings (Vol. XXXIII, No. 23) on the status of the Heritage Act 2012. Non-implementation of the provisions of […]

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