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Vol. XXX No. 23, April 1-15, 2021

Regular Articles

Quizzin’ with Ram’nan

Quizmaster V.V. Ramanan’s first 10 questions are on current affairs and the next 10 are on the Oscars. 1. Which artiste recently became the most-decorated woman in Grammy Awards history with her 28th win? 2. Who recently became the first Indian woman cricketer, and the second in the world, to notch up 10,000 international runs? […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy


Covid in the air Circumstances have so arranged themselves that The Man from Madras Musings has had to travel quite a bit around our State. In the past month he has travelled by road and air and oddly enough not at all by rail, a mode of transport he is partial to. MMM has during […]

Our Readers Write

Vaccination – Public Health Centre Style I have been a long time resident of TTK Road in Alwarpet. I must have passed by the Urban Primary Health Centre on C.P. Ramaswamy Road innumerable times over the past several years. However, the first time I got to enter the premises was in the morning of Sunday, […]

Quizzin’ with Ram’nan

Quizmaster V.V. Ramanan’s first 10 questions are on current affairs and the next 10 on the Holy Week in the Christian faith. 1. Music aficionados paid tributes to recently-deceased Dutch engineer Lou Ottens for inventing something that changed the way music was listened to. What did Ottens invent? 2. A painting Tower of the Katoubia […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy


Auto reminiscences In these pandemic times, The Woman from Madras Musings has been keeping away from public transport, keeping in mind the safety of the elders in the family. Curiously, (Wo)MMM finds herself missing Chennai autos the most, even though they have a bad rep in general. Personally, (Wo)MMM has come to realize that some […]

Quizzin’ with Ram’nan

Quizmaster V.V. Ramanan’s first 10 questions are on current affairs and next 10 on currencies and money. 1. Name NASA’s latest robotic rover that touched down on Mars recently and will study whether there was ever life on the red planet. 2. Simple. Who are the new Australian Open singles champions? 3. To reduce consumption […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy


Testing Times The conquering hordes had massed at the gate and The Man from Madras Musings was wondering as to how much longer his good lady, also known as She Who Must Be Obeyed would maintain resistance. But then he better begin at the beginning for the benefit of his readership. It all began at […]

Our Readers Write

Arbitrary levy of Property Tax There appears to be no end in sight to the problems caused on account of the arbitrary levy property tax by the Greater Chennai Corporation [GCC]. The residents who fall under Zone 10, Division 136, with Bills No. 04121, 04133, 04172, 04094, 04049, 04086, 03933, 03910, 04160, 04105, 04079, 04057, […]

Quizzin’ with Ram’nan

Quizmaster V.V. Ramanan’s first 10 questions are on current affairs and next on the favourite childhood author Enid Blyton and her work. 1. Which term/word has been chosen by Oxford Languages, which publishes the Oxford English dictionary, as its Hindi Word of Year 2020? 2. Name the Oscar-winning actor famous for playing Captain von Trapp […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

– (Wo)MMM

Learning to cycle in Chennai The better half presented The Woman from Madras Musings with a bicycle last week. (Wo)MMM was quite thrilled, having never had a cycle of her own before. Actually, (Wo)MMM is learning to ride a cycle for the first time. It’s all very exciting of course, but she is only now […]

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