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Vol. XXXIII No. 24, April 1-15, 2024

Regular Articles

Before we gloat over Bangalore’s water shortage…

-- by The Deputy Editor

The last few weeks have seen several news items on Bangalore city’s water crisis. It is indeed a sad spectacle to see what was once a green city now grappling with appalling shortage of one of life’s most essential elements. What was even more saddening was the spate of posts on social media by seemingly […]

Questions arise over structural safety assessments following nightclub collapse

-- by A Special Correspondent

News about collapsing of buildings is not new in our city. If the victims are of the kind whose kin can be tapped for votes, then solatium will be forthcoming at once from the Government. What is of concern is that the fundamental cause for such accidents is not being addressed. Unless of course it […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy


On the benefits of tobacco Cigarette smoking is injurious to health as we all know. Many of us can, The Man from Madras Musings is quite sure, repeat this message in many regional languages as well. Tobacco in any form, be it just a wad, or a cigar, or pressed into a pipe, or puffed […]

Our Readers Write

Nadai paathai nadappatharkka? Attached is a photograph

It is election time – guard your compound walls

-- by Sriram V.

By the time this issue reaches the readers, the dates of the general election to the 18th Lok Sabha will most likely have been announced. Which means the model code of conduct would have kicked in. Which in turn means compound walls of private and public properties cannot be defaced by poll graffiti and posters. […]

‘Chennai needs more buses’: OMI Foundation’s ‘Ease of Moving Index’

-- by Varsha V.

With Mobility a key item on the administration’s docket, the city’s local bodies are conducting a large-scale study to understand how the people of Chennai move. The Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) together with other local bodies such as the Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (CUMTA) is conducting

Heritage Watch: High Court notices that Heritage Act is yet to be acted upon

The High Court of Madras, late in February took note of and expressed its distress over the TN Government not bringing into force its Heritage Act of 2012. Twelve years in cold storage is not exactly a long period of time when it comes to government functioning. After all did not Florence Nightingale remark that […]

Short ‘N’ Snappy

– (Wo)MMM

Goodbye, old friends The Woman from Madras Musings, much like Mary’s little lamb, likes to stick to a habitual route for her daily commute. Chief among the reasons are two sights along the way that she delights in looking upon. One is a graffiti in the environs of Adyar. It adorns the wall of a […]

Our Readers Write

World Heritage day As we celebrate World Heritage Day on 18 April, we need to understand that heritage is something that is passed down to future generations from our earlier generations. Heritage sites which show the cultural diversity of our planet are treasures of the past and gifts that are handed down to us. It […]

CMRL – planning in hindsight

-- by Sriram V.

Work on the second phase of the Metrorail is on in full swing. It is understood that the powers that be are very keen that the work should be completed by 2026 when the State Assembly elections are scheduled to take place. If executed satisfactorily by then, everyone can take credit – the State Government […]

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