Till November 19: Plethora of Gods, an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by A.V. Ilango, K. Muralidharan, M. Senathipathi, Manisha Raju, R. Sundararaju, S. Hemalatha, S. Nandagopal, Shalini Biswajit, Vasantha Raja and Y. Shivaramachary (at ­Forum Art Gallery).

Till November 25: Politics of ­Religion & Religion of Politics, an exhibition of paintings by ­various artists (at Apparao ­Galleries).

Till November 28: Everywhere, Everyday – an exhibition of artworks by renowned artists, ­exploring the live elements of  nature and their relationship to the live senses of the human body (at Apparao Galleries).

Till November 21: A curated ­series of photographs from The Ostkreuz School of Photography, Berlin, Katarzyna Mazur’s work Anna Konda and Torben Gree­ ck’s work Anti (at Goethe Institut Auditorium).

Till December 26: Everywhere, Everyday, an exhibition of artworks by renowned artists, ­exploring the five elements of nature (at The Leela Galleria, The Leela Palace)

Till December 31: Silk Line, an exhibition of collages by K.G. Narendra Babu on woven silk and paintings.
The exhibition is a combination of his works using different media like silk weaving, painting and drawing, all finding and lending space to each other
and producing a different ­imagery in totality (at DakshinaChitra)