The Ninth Edition of the Chennai Bird Race was held on January 26th. 28 teams participated, of whom two did Green Birding, i.e., using only public transport for commuting. The highest number of species sighted was 136 and five teams spotted more than 100 species. The two Green Birding Teams each spotted 62 species.
The highlight of this Bird Race was sighting, after a long gap of 20 years, the White Rumped Vulture at Pulicat by the team comprising Dr. Prasanna Sriya, Vikas Madhav and Kedar Baskar. This team also spotted the Red Crested Pochard at Pulicat. The team led by Ramashree spotted the White-bellied Sea Eagle at the Kelambakkam Backwaters.
(Courtesy: Madras Naturalists’ Society Bulletin)