Let’s light it up
On behalf of heritage lovers, I would appreciate it if our Government took suitable steps to light up and conserve our heritage buildings permanently. That will enable people to understand the importance of heritage buildings.
I also request the Government to be a part of the Madras Week celebrations annually. The city is for all of us, not just for a few.
K.P. Senthil Babu,
Annanagar West,
Chennai 600 040
Most informative
I am an avid fan of Madras Musings. After my retirement from the shipping industry I began to teach students of Shipping & Logistics in a college. As part of an industrial visit every year, I have taken at least two batches of students to Madras harbour, Container Freight Station, with a definite stop-over at the Fort’s Museum.
Of late, I have been following Sriram V’s. ‘Know Your Fort Better’ series on Fort St. George. I will be able to share with my students a lot more information and make their visits more interesting.
H.S. Premkumar,
8, Sharma Street,
Tambaram (East),
Chennai 600 059