(Current Affairs questions are from the period July 16th to 31st. Questions 11 to 20 pertain to Chennai and Tamil Nadu.)

1. Which new OS was globally launched in Kenya on July 30th by its India-born CEO?
2. Sanjiv Chaturvedi and Anshu Gupta are the two latest Indians to be conferred with which prestigious Asian award?
3. Chris Froome won which prestigious annual sporting event for the second time recently?
4. How did Professor Richard Hay and George Baker make Parliament news recently?
5. Name the two Indian companies in the latest ‘2015 Fortune 500 Global Companies list’ at 119th and 158th rank.
6. Name the eminent banker who is the President of the new BRICS Bank that formally started its operations from its headquarters in Shanghai on July 21st.
7. The fragments of, reportedly, the oldest version of which book were found recently in the University of Birmingham?
8. Name the first post-apartheid captain of the South African cricket team and a world-class all-rounder who passed away recently.
9. Name the Nobel Laureate, after whom a sub-atomic particle is named, who was recently awarded the Copley Medal, the world’s oldest science prize.
10. Name the work, considered a sequel to Harper Lee’s celebrated To Kill A Mockingbird, that was published recently.

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11. Which popular sporting outfit is celebrating 50 years of being managed by one organisation?
12. What happened to Madras on July 17, 1996?
13. By what name is Lock Cheri, near the Kilpauk-Purasawalakam area, now known?
14. Who or what was Chengam sarakku?
15. Name the regular ship that connects Port Blair and Chennai?
16. What do the initials in the name of the well-known company A V Thomas & Co. stand for?
17. Which century-old institution in Chennai has the motto ‘Lighted to Lighten’ and a crest made up of sunflowers, a lit lamp and its motto?
18. Where in the metro is a new Ciclo Café with a cycling theme?
19. Which respected Chennai business house was founded by M. Rajagopala Naidu?
20. Which institution came up because of a schoolgirl Nallamuthu Ramamurthy’s prize-winning essay?

[expand title=”Answers to Quiz”]

1. Windows 10; 2. Ramon Magsaysay Award; 3.Tour de France; 4. They are the two latest nominated
Anglo-Indian members of the Lok Sabha; 5. IndianOil Corporation and Reliance Industries; 6. K.V.
Kamath; 7. Holy Koran; 8. Clive Rice; 9. Prof. Peter Higgs; 10. Go Set a Watchman.

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11. Jolly Rovers; 12. It officially became Chennai;13. Lockma Nagar; 14. A woman of dubious repute,
deriving the name from an area in George Town; 15.m.v. Nancowry; 16. Alfred Vedam; 17. Women’s Christian College; 18. Gandhi Mandapam Road in Kotturpuram; 19. Rayala Corporation; 20. Queen Mary’s College.
