
For Children

December 24: Activity Camp. All fun and learning in a workshop which will include activities like button craft, shell craft, paper craft, learning of folk dances, pot-breaking, tug of war and making thread lampshades. 8-14 years (at DakshinaChitra).

For Adults

December 24-25: Wire-wrapped jewellery (at DakshinaChitra, 10.30 a.m.-5.30 p.m.).

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December 20-January 20: TTDC’s Dance Festival in Mamallapuram.

Till December 25: Festival of Uttarakhand. The festival highlights the dance forms, crafts and films of Uttara­khand. Highlights: Sanskar Sanskriti & Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti from Almora will perform folk dances; Crafts which include aipan, copperware crafts, bal mithai, avni organic products and aarohi – apricot products.

Till December 30: Light in Matter and exhibition of paints and installations by Nele Martens. After moving to Auroville from Germany in the early nineties, Nele has been consistently exhibiting her large abstracts in Europe and India (at Dakshina­Chitra).

Till December 30: Glimpses of Thiruvannamalai. Born and raised in Thiruvannamalai, he worked for two years to complete the Thiruvan­nama­lai series (at Dakshina­Chitra).