Work is going on apace to provide the Mada Streets in Mylapore with wide pavements, from Which, it is promised, encroachments will be prohibited. These, it is reported, are being moved to the Chitrakulam area.
It is hoped that when the pavement laying work is completed, these streets will be made ‘pedestrian only zones’. All this is going to take a few months. Meanwhile, much of the area is as seen in our picture today. Mylapore Times, where the picture first appeared,
wrote: “South Mada Street is in a mess – at least its sides are. Mounds of soil, loads of stones and cement slabs flank the sides of a road which is a busy market place, a place where Mylaporeans shop for vegetables and fruits, coffee powder and provisions.
“This chaotic state is a result of the long-drawn project by Chennai Corporation to re-design the Mada Streets, with the emphasis on creating broad sidewalks.

“The old pavements on South Mada Street have been dug up, the old slabs removed and the new design-sidewalks are being constructed.
“But the presence of the hawkers and encroachments created by shops that line this street is slowing down the civic work.
“The newly-designed sidewalks are in place on North and East Mada Street, though very few people use them. Some hawkers have taken over the space.”