The first time sightings

The black-winged Cuckoo Shrike

Dollarbird(Photo: Dr. Rama Neelamegham)

Another surprise visitor to Guindy National Park was the black-winged Cuckoo Shrike, a north-eastern species. It was sighted at the Guindy National Park on a morning of December, 2016 by Vikas Madhav, Dr. Rama Neelamegham, Kedar Bhaskar and Evan-geline. This is a first-ever -sighting for Tamil Nadu!

Eared Grebe aka Black-necked Grebe

Eared Grebe aka Black-necked Grebe(Photo: Abhishek Mimani).

Sighted for the first time in South India, the Eared Grebe, also known as the Black-necked Grebe. It was sighted by Abhi-shek Mimani at Vedan-than-gal Bird Sanctuary in November 2016.

The Dollarbird

Bird 1_ copy(Photo: Vikas Madhav).

The Dollarbird, a Western Ghat species, was seen by Vikas Madhav and Team at the Polo Ground Road of the Guindy National Park on a morning in November, 2016.

(Coutesy: Madras Naturalists’ Society Bulletin.)