Many organisations have started drawing up plans for Madras Week (August 21st-28th) which seems to begin from the first week of August and goes on through the first week of September.
Alliance Française of Madras has announced that it will hold a photography contest during Madras Week 2016 on the theme ‘Madras Yesterday… Chennai Today’. The contest is open to all residents of the city.
The entries should depict what the city of Chennai means to participants. Photographs may include typical views of life in the city, cityscapes, culture, tradition, day-to-day life, festivals, nature, wildlife and capturing the magnificence of the city’s architecture from the oldest arch to the most modern structures.
Entries to be sent to and must reach us before 12 noon on August 5th.
20 entries will be picked by a select jury and an exhibition of the winning entries will be held at the AFM Gallery from August 22‑28.
A participant can send a maximum of two pictures.
Each participant shall submit his or her photos in TIFF file format (preferred) or JPEG format (as an alternative) with a resolution of 300 dpi. Entries will not be accepted on CD or as prints.
Any manipulation or modification to the original image is limited to minor retouching of blemishes and cropping and must not alter the content of the original scene. Highly manipulated images and composite images, including HDRs, are not permitted. Monochrome images are allowed. Entry is open to all photographers – amateur and professionals. Each entry should be accompanied by the data sheet given below duly filled in.
The entries, taken using a photographic process, have to be original works of the entrant, who owns them.
The entrant should permit the organisers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for AFM publicity in print or online internet site and/or in other media. Results will be sent by email. Entrants should ensure that they provide an active email address and that spam filters are set to accept emails from AFM.
Data Sheet
Name of the participant :
Category (AFM Student / General Public) :
Age :
Contact Number :
Email :
Name of College / School / Employer :
For more information, email: web: