(Current Affairs questions are from the period June 16 to 30. Questions 11 to 20 pertain to Chennai and Tamil Nadu.)

1. Which team avenged its last year finals loss to win the 2016 NBA Championship recently?
2. What major decision impacted Europe on June 23-24?
3. India, in a boost to its non-proliferation credentials, formally joined the MTCR on June 27th. Expand MTCR.
4. In a major game-changing breakthrough, scientists have discovered at least 54 billion cubic foot of which gas that is used in MRI scanners, spacecraft, telescopes etc in the Tanzanian East African Rift Valley?
5. The Union HRD Ministry’s new initiative to cultivate reading habits among children and create a reading culture at school and community level is called.?
6. Which 400 sq km island in the Brahmaputra River has become India’s first island district?
7. The CSIR recently launched ‘BGR-34’, an ayurvedic drug designed to combat which ailment that is globally prevalent and rampant in India?
8. What first did Bhawana Kanth, Avani Chatuvedi and Mohana Singh achieve in the Indian Air Force recently?
9. Which eminent businessman from the Bharti group has been elected the Chairman of the International Chambers of Commerce, the largest, most representative business organisation in the world?
10. ‘A New World’ is the slogan/motto for which global event starting in Brazil in early August?

11. Panaganti Ramarayaningar, whose birth sesquicentennial was observed on July 9th, is better known as…?
12. What is the name of Shiva at Tiruvaiyaru?
13. Of which iconic institution in the metropolis was Jawaharlal Nehru talking when he said “…always reminds me of an old maiden lady, very prim and proper, who is shocked if a naughty word is used in her presence…”
14. In the ‘Black Town’ of Madras, if Mint Street was Washers’ Street, then which bustling thoroughfare was called ‘Weavers’ Street’?
15. Who was the son-in-law of Lord Dalhouise who is remembered in Madras where two famous edifices bear his name?
16. Which celebrated author reviewed art programmes for Ananda Vikatan under the pen name ‘Karnatakam’?
17. Kathirikkai and Manikkam were the assistants of which popular Tamil literary detective?
18. In what is probably the first ‘coup’ in Madras in 1865, which governor was deposed by Edward Winter ?
19. The 1935 film Menaka was the first to feature the songs of which celebrated poet?
20. Madhorubhagan, the controversial book by Perumal Murugan, is titled after a form of Shiva joined in temple where?

[expand title=”Answers to Quiz”]

1. Cleveland Cavaliers (beating Golden State Warriors); 2. The United Kingdom voting to leave the European Union, 3. Missile Technology Control Regime, 4. Helium, 5. Vidyanjali, 6. Majuli in Assam, 7. The drug is designed for type 2 Diabetes mellitus, 8. They are the first-ever women fighter pilots in the IAF, 9. Sunil Mittal, 10. The Rio Olympics.

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11. Raja of Pa(a)nagal, 12. Pranatharthiharan, 13. The Hindu, 14. Nainiappa Naicken Street, 15. Lord Connemara, 16. ‘Kalki’ Krishnamurthy, 17. Sankarlal, 18. Governor Foxcroft, 19. Subramania Bharati, 20. Tiruchengode.
