DakshinaChitra workshops Children

August 13 & 14: Theatre; Age 8‑14 years, Fee: Rs. 1500; ­Resources Person: Krishna Kumar, theatre export

September 3: Terracotta Ganesha making; Age 8-14 years, Fee – Rs. 800; Resources Person: Palani, in-house potter

DakshinaChitra workshops Adults

August 13 & 14: Wire wrapped jewellery

September 3: Palm leaf Ganesha making.

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Till August 31: An exhibition of paintings by Akmal Hussain and Keiko Mimo

September 3-30: Faces of Creativity; an exhibition with porttaits of 135 Indian artists by Yusuf Arakkal

August 31-September 4: Onam Celebrations including tribal dances from the Wayanad district.

August 15: Russian Singing Bells Concert at 4.30 p.m.

September 5: Vinayaga Chaturthi, a Mohaniattam group from Puducherry will perform.