Tamil Nadu Chapter’s Convenors’ Workshop was held recently for Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Nagercoil, ­Salem, Thanjavur, Nilgris and Kodaikanal participants. It was stressed that greater emphasis needs to be placed on documenting bio-diversity and natural heritage in all cities and towns.

Convenors were suggested to seek broad-based membership to overcome the general apathy and neglect towards heritage issues at both local government and societal levels. Natural heritage and biodiversity is degrading at a rapid rate due to development activities and patronage extended to building lobbies.

Armed with an inventory, local administration/municipalities can be pressurised to notify such listings through Government Grazettes.

Chapters could also, it was suggested, adopt a nearby village which has heritage potential in order to involve common ­citizens in heritage related activities.

Capacity building courses for local PWD engineers and ­Municipal level workers could be conducted by each Chapter at their level with the help of IHA Division.