Tamil Nadu downturn
Your correspondent has pointed out that Tamil Nadu is not among the top three on various parameters (MM, March 1st) of development. Time was when the State was quoted as the shining example of development.
The slide began when MGR became the Chief Minister. His very first statement was that Government would not open colleges any more nor would it accord permission for aided colleges and that all new colleges would be self-financing private colleges. This dictum was carried to nursery level. Similar was the case with government hospitals being deprived of funding. A moratorium on filling up vacant posts not only in Government Departments but also in aided schools led to classrooms without teachers.
Now, the latest entrant to Tamil Nadu politics has proclaimed that he would establish MGR’s rule. Will there be more of that same?
S.S. Rajagopalan
30, Kamarajar Street
Chennai 600 093