July 6-31: The Art of Aari, an exhibition on the traditional art of aari embroidery, is presented by Thamarai, a Chennai-based bespoke House of Embroideries started by Yoga, Sangeetha and Kiran who share a passion for the centuries old art form of hand embroidery (The Gallery, InKo Centre).

Till July 25: Unexpected Outcomes, an exhibition of paintings by Vera de Jong at DakshinaChitra.

East West Center for Counselling and Training presents Workshops in 3 types of Expressive Therapies in Chennai, in July.

Are you a – Trainer, a Psychological Counsellor, or a Special Educator – or might you be considering becoming any of these? If yes, these workshops are for you!

July 5-8: Drama Therapy Workshop by Evan Hastings. (4 days). Details are at http://storytellinginstitute.org

July 10-12: Storytelling Therapy Workshop by Eric Miller. Details are at http://storytelling institute.org

July 25-26: Psychodrama Workshop by Sue Daniel.
Details are at http://indianinstituteof psychodrama. blogspot.in Contact: 98403 94282

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WANTED by Nam Veedu, Nam Oor, Nam Kadhai which is organising several events during Madras Week. A school or auditorium or hall in Anna Nagar for an Anna Nagar Exhibition – 2017 and several competitive events for children from 10 am to 6 pm on August 19th or 20th (Saturday and Sunday). To help contact: Thirupurasundari: annanagarshg@ gmail.com; +91 9444253532