We today, publish donations received with thanks for the period upto June 1st.
– The Editor
Rs. 50: N. Venkataraman
Rs. 100: K.A. Narayanan
Rs. 200: Deenadayalan
Rs. 300: K. Umamahesh
Rs. 400: M.CT.Pethachi, S. Rangarajan, N. Jatesan
Rs. 500: Sanjay Chandrasekar
Rs. 900: Valli Alagappan, G.V.Raman, R. Ramachandran
Rs. 1000: Dr. Prem C. John
Rs. 1950: N.S. Parthasarathy
Rs. 2000: S.S. Rajagopalan
Rs. 3000: A.R. Dharma Raja