Welcome articles

Thank you for enlightening us on the statue and plaque in front of General Hospital (MM, Nov. 16th). I’ve been seeing it for decades while using the bus stop opposite Central, and often wondered who this illustrious person was! I feel MM is doing a great job by publishing such articles – so many others too, like the series on our Museum’s Wealth, or the Lost Landmarks.

Though the content is also available on the internet, there would be others like me who are not computer-friendly, and find the print version far more palatable and convenient. I suspect the PC/mobile-savvy generation may be too rushed to read such stuff, but I do hope I can be proved wrong.

Thomas Tharu

Kasyap, A-7, Nehru Nagar
IVth Street, Adyar, Chennai 600 020

Rs and $

N.S. Parthasarathy writes: A small error has crept in the article on ‘Heritage Restoration’, (MM, December 1st). On page 6, in column 4 line 2 from the bottom “rupees” should read “dollars”. A couple of billion Rs. is hardly 200 crore but a couple of billion dollars is Rs. 10,000 crore – which is the money needed for the whole State.