It was a happy homecoming and emotion-charged reunion recently when SOS Children’s Villages Chatnath Homes, Tambaram, celebrated its 40th Anniversary.

Hugging each other were Siddhartha Kaul, the first Director in Tambaram, and, left to right: Kamakshi, Krithika, and Meenakshi, amongst the earliest residents of the Homes.

Kaul, now President of the SOS Children’s Villages International remembers receiving a distress call from the Social Welfare Department, Tamil Nadu, 40 years ago requesting shelter for three infants, each three to four weeks old. He brought Kamakshi, Meenakshi and Krithika to Chatnath Homes on January 23, 1979.

Today, Kamakshi has a degree in Humanities, Krithika has completed a diploma in Medical Lab Technology and Meenakshi is a B.Com graduate.

All of them are happily married, but keep in regular touch with ‘Home’ in Tambaram.

The Homes are part of an international community where underprivileged, neglected and forgotten children grow up in a family environment and develop confidence and self-esteem.