Lessons for learning
Reading the article “How not to maintain educational campuses” (MM, June 16th), I was reminded of the words of F.L. Billows of the British Council who was taken aback by the greenery in the Board High School, Sathyamangalam in Erode District. He remarked “Here I see no school, but a poem. I see no headmaster but a poet.” The lovely garden so caringly developed by Prof. J. Ramachandran in the Presidency College has just vanished.
As for the legendary H.C. Buck (MM, June 16th) I can’t but repeat my quote of his about punctuality. When I say 8, I mean 8. If you come at 7.59, it means you don’t know the value of your time. If you come at 8.01, it means you don’t know the value of my time. We waste many precious man-hours due to absence of punctuality.
S.S. Rajagopalan
30, Kamarajar Street
Chennai 600093