Reader S.S. Rajagopalan’s letter (MM, July 1st) about H.C. Buck’s observations on punctuality reminds me of the late Eric L. Stracay, i.p.
I was in the Central Police Training College, Mt. Abu (now Police Academy in Hyderabad) in 1960-61. Stracey was the Deputy Commandent. The rule for the I.P.S. probationers was that they should be in the classroom exactly five minutes before a class started. Stracey’s room was adjoining the classroom and you could hear the click of the door, opening exactly on time for commencement of his lecture.
One day, it so happened he saw an IPS probationer sitting in the class ten minutes in advance and Stracey asked him why was he early. He replied that he was being careful not to be late. Stracey responded by saying that by being early he showed his lack of confidence in himself and should be there only five minutes in advance!
Dr. G. Sundaram, ias (rtd)
A 601, “Dugar Apartments”
Keshava perumal puram
Greenways Road
Chennai 600 028