My association with Muthiah was close over the last six years. He was kind enough to invite me to support him in three of his major book projects and also to contribute regularly to his journal. I had no aptitude or ability to handle literary assignments. He gave me courage and guided me through it all, in his characteristic taciturn style. This privileged association is the most fulfilling learning experience of my life and that too under the Master. I watched the great man weaving numbers, episodes and experiences magically into literary works of beauty that are a joy forever.
– N.S. Parthasarathy
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When people woke up to the news of Mr. Muthiah’s passing, everyone felt an immediate sense of loss, whether they knew him personally or not. Madras lost a fond chronicler who gathered interesting facts about its history, and the personalities who made the city what it became. Institutions and literary groups associated with him lost an impactful patron. A quintessential club man, never alone, his delightful conversation, and erudite, wise observations will be missed.
Leading an action-filled life full of interesting experiences, his prodigious work ethic ensured he never missed deadlines, even while travelling.
Our lives are immensely enriched for having known Mr. Muthiah, and for that we are grateful.
– A.V. Ram Mohan
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Shocked to hear the sad news of the demise of S. Muthiah. More than his admirers, friends, associates, the city of Madras will be shedding tears. And they may not dry up for a very long time.
May his soul rest in peace.
– J.S. Raghavan
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I was born in a Madras of leafy avenues, quiet neighbourhoods, and gentle pace of life. Over the years, it disintegrated into a city of chaos, squalor and my sense of belonging diminished. Muthiah changed all that. Through his eyes, I saw glorious history in every nook, heritage in every building, and a city with centuries of pioneering history. I learnt to listen to the stories the city had to tell. His passion and unwavering commitment to this city helped me rediscover Madras. With his passing Madras has lost her Boswell. I hope all those he inspired keep his dreams for the city alive.
– Vinodha Ram Mohan
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Dear, dear Muthu, your family, your friends, the people who loved your writings are bereft…and Madras will miss its most ardent chronicler. To you I owe my allegiance to Tamil Nadu; you opened my eyes to its history, its beauty, its culture. My most enduring memory is watching you and Valli together…that was an enviable relationship and I believe all of us who knew you well, grieved with and for you after she died. I do not wish you R.I.P. I wish you a good rebirth…and perhaps you may influence future generations of young people… you have done this state proud.
– Radha Gopalakrishnan
Uma and Karthik Narayanan have been staunch supporters of Madras Musings, through their entities Ucal Exports and the Chatnath Trust.
As condolence messages pour in, it is abundantly clear that Mr. Muthiah was like our great banyan tree in the Theosophical Society grounds. In his benign shade, many talents developed and creativity flourished. I owe him a deep personal debt – he was the mentor who encouraged my husband Karthik Narayanan and me to write.
Mr. Muthiah recognised Karthik’s proficiency in Tamil, entrusting him with translating his oeuvre – a prodigious task which Karthik did with enthusiasm and commitment. He endorsed my work, talking about it in glowing terms, contributing substantially to its success.
I will miss him and his zest for life. My life is poorer for his passing.
– Uma Narayanan