The Old Curiosity House

As a little girl and then later, getting to know Madras, the first thing my mind conjured up at the mention of St Thomas Mount was the church, and the stories connected to said church. Later, when I explored the area, I discovered that it was far from just a church and its environs; this place, with its old world colonial homes and its clear aura of British residency, was fascinating – perhaps because in no other neighbourhood I’d seen was it so obvious.
It was like being transported into another world; dimly, I knew I was still in Chennai, but amidst these wide streets and palatial homes, the city I knew seemed rather far away.
It was as I was turning a corner of the road that led to the base of the Mount that I glimpsed this house. I had no idea who had lived there; who had built it – or if even anyone lived in it now. All I knew was that its proportions, juxtaposed with the tree and the skyline, made it a lovely subject. Which is how I captured it.
I’d still love to know its story.
Description: 2.5” by 4” approximately
Medium: Black and White Micron Pens; 0.20mm and 0.35mm.