Quizmaster V.V. Ramanan’s first 10 questions are on current affairs and the next 10 on the Holy Week in the Christian faith.
1. Music aficionados paid tributes to recently-deceased Dutch engineer Lou Ottens for inventing something that changed the way music was listened to. What did Ottens invent?
2. A painting Tower of the Katoubia Mosque, that was gifted to US President FDR by the artist and presently owned by actress Angelina Jolie, recently sold for £7m at an auction. Name the painter known for other achievements.
3. Name the former President of a famous European country who was recently sentenced to three years in jail, two of them suspended, for corruption.
4. On which trans-boundary river is the recently inaugurated ‘Maitri Setu’, that links Tripura to Bangladesh, built?
5. Among Indian cities with a population of more than a million, which south Indian Capital has been rated the most liveable city in India in the government’s ‘Ease of Living Index’?
6. What is the name of the secure messaging platform to be used by the Indian Army shortly?
7. 57 years after attaining Statehood, the National Anthem was played inside which NE State’s assembly for the first time this February?
8. According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which legendary investor has become the sixth member of the $100 billion club?
9. The first-ever summit of the Quad leaders was held virtually on March 12. Apart from India, which are the other nations?
10. Effective April 1, 2021, the Indian Railways will use which single number for all queries, complaints, assistance, and quick grievance redress?
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11. What is the significance of the Holy Week, which occurs between March 28 and April 3 this year, for Christians?
12. What is the first day of the Holy Week called and what does it commemorate?
13. Originally, which two days of the Holy Week were observed as holy days?
14. Which day of the week has the prefix ‘spy’ as Christians remember that Jesus was betrayed by Judas on that day?
15. Which day of the Holy Week is associated with the event that has been depicted in a world-famous Da Vinci mural in Milan?
16. Which act of Jesus is imitated by the Pope on Maundy Thursday?
17. According to the OED, what does Good in the context of Good Friday mean?
18. Which day marks the traditional end of Lent?
19. What are Paschal Controversies?
20. What is the last day of the Holy Week and what does it celebrate?
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Answers to Quiz
1. Audio cassette, 2. Winston Churchill, 3. Nicolas Sarkozy of France, 4. Feni, 5. Bengaluru. Chennai is fourth, 6. Secure Application for Internet (SAI), 7. Nagaland, 8. Warren Buffett, 9. USA, Japan and Australia, 10. 139.
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11. It recalls the events leading up to Jesus’ death by crucifixion and his Resurrection, 12. Palm (or Passion) Sunday commemorates Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, 13. Good Friday and Holy Saturday, 14. Wednesday, 15. Washing of the feet of 12 humble or poor persons, 16. Maundy Thursday. The mural is the ‘Last Supper’, 17. ‘a day or season observed as holy by the church’, 18. Holy Saturday or Easter Vigil, 19. Disputes on how to settle the date of Easter, 20. Easter Sunday and celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection.