This special issue commemorating S. Muthiah features the following authors and their books:
- Ranjitha Ashok and Biswajit Balasubramaniam, Chennai Latte, A Madras Brew, East West Books (Madras) Pvt Limited, Chennai, 2005
- D.P. Ramachandran, Empire’s First Soldiers, Lancer Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Limited, New Delhi, 2008
- K.R.A. Narasiah, Madras, Tracing the growth of the city since 1639, Oxygen Books, Chennai, 2008
- S. Muthiah and K.R.A. Narasiah, Overcoming Challenge, The 125‑year saga of a harbour men made, The Chennai Port Trust, Chennai, 2007
- Sushila Ravindranath, Surge, Tamil Nadu’s Growth Story, Westland Limited, Chennai, 2016
- Bishwanath Ghosh, Tamarind City, Where Modern India Began, Tranquebar, Chennai, 2012
- Nirmala Lakshman, Degree Coffee by the Yard, a Short Biography of Madras, Aleph Book Company, New Delhi, 2013
- Kavita Watsa, Brahmins and Bungalows, Travels through South Indian History, Penguin, New Delhi, 2004
- K.R.N. Menon, A Madras Merchant’s Life and Times, Cinnamonteal Publishing, Goa, 2012
- V. Ramnarayan, (extracted from) The Spirit of Chepauk, The MCC Story, 150 Years of a Sporting Tradition by S. Muthiah, East West Books (Madras) Pvt Limited, Chennai, 1998
We thank all the authors for having so kindly permitted us to print extracts from their works.