Considering that ours is the oldest city corporation in the country, we do have many interesting records apart from being the first of course. The mayors themselves would each merit a detailed study, considering that most of them were outstanding, one way or the other. Some were very colourful characters as well.

But this year what is of interest is that we have a mayor who has set a record by way of being the youngest to assume this office. She also happens to be only the third woman to hold this office.

The first was Tara Cherian, champion hockey player, social worker, and holder of another unique record as Mayor – she and her husband Dr. P.V. Cherian are the only husband and wife duo to have held office as Mayors, he in 1949/1950 and she in 1957/1958.

The second woman Mayor was Kamakshi Jayaraman, who was in office from 1971-1972. The present incumbent Ms. R. Priya is from the DMK and also the youngest to ever be mayor of our city. We wish her well in her endeavours.

Our OLDEST shows Tara Cherian as Mayor, inaugurating a school. The OLD shows Kamakshi Jayaraman in mayoral regalia, seated in her office at Ripon Buildings. The NEW is of the Worshipful Mayor, Ms. R. Priya.