The Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC) in association with Cycling Yogis has come up with a unique initiative to showcase the heritage of the city. Cycle rides are being organised to highlight the international connects that Chennai has had since historical times.

This initiative from TTDC is a big boost to Eco Tourism based activities in the city and by bringing such rides Chennai is now on the map of heritage-themed cycling tours which are very popular in other countries. 

The Portuguese tour, outside Luz Church.

In the first phase of these rides, four tours have been planned and in the second phase six more will be added. The first ride, covering the Portuguese connection, was held on March 27th. The remaining three are as follows:

3rd April – Armenian Trail
17th April – American Trail
1st May – George Town Trail 

For more information and registration, contact Ph: +91 98945 73316/ 9884023123

We sincerely hope this becomes a sustained initiative on the part of the TTDC and the idea is not abandoned after some half-hearted attempts. The earlier hop-on-hop-off tour was not a success largely owing to poor planning and we trust that the cycling tours will be invested in and made long-lasting.