Platinum Jubilee of a Venerable Institution


The Vivekananda College is one of the educational landmarks of our city. Its alumni have left their mark in various fields, which apart from their chosen professions has also included politics, theatre, cinema, sport and music. It is a matter of pride for Chennai that this institution celebrates 75 this year. For a more detailed article by Karthik Bhatt on the subject, please refer to the article Seventy-five years of a landmark.


Our OLD, taken from the 1st issue of Viveka, the in-house magazine of the college, shows the main block, known as the Nattukottai Nagarathar Vidyalaya, as it was in 1946 on the day of the inauguration – just a single-storied structure. Our second picture, taken in 1948 shows the building in its present shape – of two floors. The low compound wall and a part of the open space within are also visible.


Our NEW, taken a couple of days back shows the main gate and the building within. The trees, allowed to grow without pruning, hide the building and as for the compound wall, it has grown higher and higher.