Karthik Bhatt stumbled on a treasure trove recently – the archives of Stella Maris’ college magazine. He shared with us a delightful poem published in a 1950 issue where the author describes Madras as she saw it then from her college terrace, offering beautiful sketches as well in accompaniment. We are glad to share it with Madras Musings readers.

Behold the towers and steeples;
The lighthouse from afar;
And the packed buildings glimmer
As lights from many a star.
The cool Marina breezes
Run to the bay, embrace:—
Thus ever, open, searching minds
Are filled with light and grace.

Nearby, the dear Cathedral
With tower against the sky,
Reminds us that forever
Our ideals should be high.
In darkness as in daylight,
On the water as on land,
God’s eye is looking on us;
Beneath us is His hand.

The light of setting sun
Reflects on Hindu shrines,
With lofty height and sculpture;
Glittering gold each shines;
Reminding us how ancient
Our culture, art, have been;—
The quest of our forefathers
For the truths of God unseen.

Far away, the beacon flame
Beams out hope and light
To many a storm-tossed mariner,
And fills him with delight.
Will e’er aspire to be
To those who seek the Truth

Still further off to North
The harbour is descried;
With ships and boats and steamers
Moored along its side,
In whatever walk of life,
Where’er our lot is cast,
The only haven, God and Truth
Should be your Goal at last.

G. Kasturi Bai, I.U.C.
(Courtesy: Stella Maris public archives)