The walking stick is a device that is used mainly to assist walking, and to provide postural stability. The hold portion had a defining curve, and the stick had a consistent thickness to the very end. It was called a cane, because originally it was made of cane, then wood, and then the handle portion became a little more ornate while still retaining the curve. Easy to hook on to the back of a chair, while you sat, lost in conversation. The designs served as a fashion accessory, during the 18th and 19th century, and I remember my father who really did not need a walking stick used it with a swagger. The canes were crafted from wood, ivory and even silver and had intricate carvings on the edge of the handle,and for me it was a collector’ s item much after my father had passed.
In cinema, the walking stick was synonymous with the antics of the likes of Charlie Chaplin and other tap dancers, like Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire.
More recently, my husband used the stick for our morning walks to ward off stray dogs and for self defence!
The folks with balance problems who need to use them for additional support, avoided the stick like the plague, for vanity asserted itself, and anyone with a cane was considered “old” and “decrepit”. To suit the increasing demand, the walking stick underwent a sea of changes. It became lightweight, made of anodised aluminium, coloured gold or a silver grey. It was T shaped where the small handle was perpendicular to the main body. Further it was lightweight, with rubber shoes at the lower portion to prevent slipping. It telescoped into a short accessory, which was useful during flights where it could be packed with your other stuff.

The era of the elegant walking stick began. Like all elderly, I was reluctant to use one, till it was thrust on me by my granddaughter. I could not refuse, and used it on occasion. Excuses were in plenty. I was not used to it. And I had to lug it along with my handbag. What if it did not take my weight? In time I got used to it….and it became an old friend.
Why don’t they make a little curve on top? I find it very difficult to prop it somewhere when I go out as often as time and energy permits. If we go to a restaurant, the waiter, politely says “Please ma’am can I have your stick” I hand it over with several misgivings and it is propped against the wall in the most inappropriate places. Waiters swing by with serving plates and soon enough, there is a resounding plop and the walking stick lies flat on the ground. Apologies and the stick goes back to its original propping place.
Frequent falls for the poor thing, and the inevitable happens. The handle on top which supports the stick, chips. I never take this one out as it looks weather beaten despite its young age. I don’t use the stick at home which is on familiar grounds, but nevertheless use it on bad leg days or on unfamiliar, uneven terrain.
The walking stick has caused me many embarrassing moments. Deciding to hold it myself to save it from falling, I have, in my intent focus on watching a performance allowed it to slide down, and some eager young things have walked across, not noticing the long object, and tripped and nearly fallen onto my lap.
On one occasion, I was watching a play, with friends, who firmly removed the walking stick and propped it I-do-not-know-where, with a firm assurance that it would be handed to me at the right time. Pin drop silence as the play reaches the climax scene in a Whodunnit story. We hold our breaths. Suddenly there is a distinct thud, shattering the silence. Heads turn around in expectancy, as they envision it is one of the actors who has mingled with the audience and made his presence felt. I blush to the roots of my hair as my worst suspicions are confirmed. Some wise Johnny hung up my walking stick on an incredibly narrow support and the inevitable happened. The play goes on leading the audience to believe that the noise is part of the eerie plot. I am saved!
My stick bears scars of several misadventures and unexpected falls. I now keep it on an empty chair along with my handbag and keep an eagle eye on this precious prop. So why don’t they fit a curved handle on top? It would look so so elegant.
While we are on the subject, let us stray into the elitist seniority homes or any Chennai home for that matter. Every comfort for the seniors is thought of, like ramps, safety gadgets in the living spaces, and the bathrooms which are killer spaces. There are walking routes, assuming the elders will walk on them with a walking stick. Why don’t they have special pada yatra spaces with rails on either side, and distances marked on the pathways, so that the elders can walk without a stick? It would encourage them to increase their walking time as it makes it easier. Somewhat like a treadmill, but a non-mechanical one and independent walking in the open air. Think about it people!
Life would be much easier if vision extended to the handicapped and the elderly. They thought of buggies in a cavernous Madras Central Station, which I silently applauded. But why don’t they have comfortable steps to clamber on to the train, instead of so called “steps” which look like slightly extended shelves, ruling out train travel for many a handicapped person?
Why don’t they have automatic steps which could jut out with the press of the button when the train stops, eliminating the exasperating misery and strain for the handicapped?
I could go on and on but one thing at a time. They should have one or two disabled or elderly persons on the design panel, which could bestow an added dimension to the design element. When that happens I will go back to train travel like many of my friends, and am hoping my energy will last out till then!!!