Monsoon measures

The Greater Chennai Corporation is taking all initiative to face the upcoming monsoon showers, which includes chopping of the overgrown branches of the avenue trees and cleaning up of drain and rain water harvesting channels.

The saddest part of this initiative is not clearing up the branches and the debris collected from the drain channels. The debris gives out a lot of foul odour and is a major source of infection. The recent showers push the debris back into the rain channels making the efforts meaningless, it would be more responsible if the corporation authorities could simultaneously clear as it is being excavated, to avoid the clogging up of drain channels.

Merlin Carol P
21/11 Arul Prakasam Street
Gandhi Nagar, Ekkatuthangal
Chennai – 600 032

A pat from Canada

My name is Monica and I recently found out about ­Madras Musings (though I lived in Triplicane all my life!). I currently live in Victoria BC with my husband. We are opening up a cute little coffee studio where we want a piece of Madras with us. So we thought of having some of your newspaper magazines at our place here. I really love how you resonate passion for our heritage and kindle wonder about our local ecology. I also studied Plants Biology for bachelors and Ecology & Environment Science for masters, so it resonates well with my interest. You guys are doing a fantastic job, Thank you!

All the best and thanks again for all the amazing work!

Monica Pandian