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(ARCHIVE) Vol. XXI No. 12, October 1-15, 2011
By Ranjitha Ashok

Shining bright, burning bright

Ancient India – a land so wealthy, they called it the Bird of Gold.

At least, that's what legend (and some Internet sources) say.

Poets of yore waxed so eloquent over the subcontinent's 'riches', you'd think chunks of citizens made a habit of wading waist high in the bright, malleable 'chemical element' with the symbol 'Au' and 'atomic number' 79.

In other words – Gold.

Things have changed a lot since, eh?

Bound to happen, especially with prices that insist on soaring higher and higher, like manic, out-of-control kites.

Yet, chasing after gold never ends.

Cheaper, maybe even prettier, alternatives to adornment, like Mother Nature, are never considered.

Most brides, especially, dismiss this go-the-Shakuntala-way suggestion.

"It worked for her, given her particular maternal genes," they growl, the snarl distinctly bridezilla, "...but the rest of us need the real stuff, okay?!"

Moralists aren't popular either.

No point extolling the value of the 'gold of the spirit', or saying "Nothing gold can stay", like The Man who has miles to go before he sleeps.

Humankind won't listen, insisting on losing head, heart, sometimes limbs, over this 'barbarous relic'.

From time immemorial, it's been "Gold, Gold, Gold, they'll do anything for gold..."

Everyone knows this... even ol' turkey buzzards.


In this issue

The City goes to waste – literally
Will ghostly MRTS stations get new life?
The Wild Life of Chennai threat to all
Developing infrastructure was the priority
From the Madras Week Blogs
Other Stories

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Short 'N' Snappy
Our Readers Write
Quizzin' with Ram'nan
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