No Rotary name
I was delighted to read the reminiscences of Rotarian S.L. Chitale (MM, March 1st), who always ensured the success of any project undertaken. Rotarian Ken Hobbs was a wonderful person who brought cheer to countless persons, especially children. I was privileged to be his guest in Whitby. He asked me to address his club and clear some of the doubts raised by his fellow Rotarians. The very first question was whether we could afford to have a cold chain to store and distribute the vaccines. I just told them that they were free to visit Tamil Nadu and see for themselves the facilities available. Dr Jacob John was another kindred soul who made the Measles Vaccine Project a grand success.
The Childs Trust Hospital, so generously brought about by Hobbs, Chitale and Dr M.S. Ramakrishnan, has been taken over by a religious body and the name of Rotary has disappeared from its name.
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Chennai 600 093