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Painting Walls

My first ever introduction to the famed Stella Maris College was sometime during my childhood – mostly as a result of my mother being a former student. My fascination for this college, established on 15 August 1947 and managed by the Society of the Franciscan missionaries of Mary, remained with me all through my adolescence. The college’s origins were in San Thomé, and they moved to their current location on Cathedral Road in 1960 – and although I lived so far away so as to be almost in a different town, I took every chance to travel along the road, first to gaze at the buildings but later, for another reason altogether – their art.

In recent years, their compound wall has undergone several transformations, all of them colourful and message-oriented, a fitting window to their own vision, I think. It made, and still makes for a breath of fresh air, a sight for sore eyes in the concrete jungle – this splash of colour amidst shades of grey, white and black. So here’s one particular work of theirs (sadly, now gone), that has found way into my miniature collection.

Details about the miniature: Black/White and Colour; Pen and Ink.

Dimensions: Approximately: 3.5″ x 5″.

Pavithra Srinivasan is a writer, journalist, artist, translator, columnist and an editor and is fascinated with History.