What is rumani semiya and what do you make out of it?
Is there is a receipe for this semiya?
Some sixty people recently learnt the answers on Triplicane High Road.
They had joined researcher-film maker Kombai Anwar on a trip around Triplicane to get a feel of the mood of Ramzan which ended with the celebration of Eid on Monday.
Organising Walks in a chaotic world isn’t easy. No wonder two policemen on patrol stopped when they noticed a large crowd in the campus of the Mohammedan Public Library and wanted to know why we were here. They appreciated the intent and suggested we avoid causing traffic jams as we walked down.
The jams did occur as people who were new to this part of our city stopped and stared, asked questions, listened to anecdotes from Anwar’s side and interacted with hawkers, Muslims and curious onlookers.
People around us were mildly surprised. ‘You are here to know more about us?’, asked one woman who selling semiya by the pavement side.
There was much to know. Much to unclutter. Much to appreciate that evening.
Walks are one of the many ways we can get to know our diverse world a little better. At close quarters. In real.
And it must not be left only to a few to a few to conduct these events. Think of ways in which you can get people to know your area, your community, your culture better. There are small ways to help us understand people better.
Why not make them happen this Madras week… Month? (Courtesy: Mylapore Times)